Staff Writer
URICA grant applications for upperclassmen are open until April 12th, 2022; however, after an entirely online symposium last year, students may be unaware of the opportunities presented by a grant.
First and foremost, it is important to understand what URICA stands for: the Undergraduate Research Internships and Creative Activity.
URICA is a grant that provides students with funds to complete their research projects. In the past, URICA grants have been used primarily for senior research projects. Students who receive the grant are given $1,000 to help cover the costs of equipment, travel and other research-related needs.
While several past recipients have conducted STEM related research, all majors are welcome to apply.
Students are not the only ones beneficiaries from URICA grants. The department for which the student is conducting research receives $300 for each winning researcher, offering an incentive for department chairs to encourage their students to apply.
Sandy Dao, senior from Salina and a 2021 recipient, highlighted her URICA experience.
“I’m very thankful for URICA’s help in my research as well as the money it contributed to the biology department. I encourage other students, of all majors, to apply to help with finances. Research takes up a lot of time, and this is just one less thing to worry about during the school year,” Dao said.
While the application process can be stressful, students are encouraged to speak with an advisor who can guide them through the process prior to completing their application.
Annie Carlson, senior from Hurley, South Dakota, offered a pro-tip while applying for this prestigious grant.
“The application is fairly easy to complete. I would advise applicants to figure the costs necessary to complete their research ahead of time and discuss that in their application. This will give you a leg up in the selection process,” Carlson said.
Carlson also appreciated the pivotal role her advisor played in this process.
“Working with my advisor was Fran-tastic. Fran was always helpful, encouraging me to come up with ideas of my own but offering help when needed,” Carlson said.
Applications are sent to Professor Sarah Masem, interim Chair of the Nursing Department. While Masem’s comments were brief, she assured The Collegian that more information regarding this year’s URICA grant is on its way.
While the URICA grant is highly competitive, it is awarded to a handful of students each year. Recipients are then expected to present at the URICA Symposium, as well as the special URICA Convocation, to discuss their research.
Coverage of 2022’s URICA symposium will be detailed in the upcoming issue of the Collegian.