Being a student Chaplain encompasses a variety of responsibilities. Each day, week, or month could look different from each other. Their purpose is to support their fellow students in times of need and to set an example of what it means to be a follower of Christ.
“As a student chaplain, we are here to provide another resource that students can talk to about any problems on campus. We also help lead faith-based activities such as bible studies and we contribute to other campus events such as Chapel,” student Chaplain Sam Wilson said.
Student Chaplain Kayla Newman shares her view on the roles she has in the position.
“The biggest role I have as a student Chaplain is to set a good example for those around me. I am to show the love of Christ through me. I am a source for students to vent to and know that I won't share it with anyone. I listen to them, give advice when they need it and am there for them no matter what,” Newman said.
Working as a student Chaplain doesn’t come with a set schedule because anyone can reach out to them at any time. Student Chaplains never have a day off!
“Technically I work every day! I am always there to help people and do what Christ called me to do,” Newman said. “We also have one on one meetings with Michael every other week, as well as group meetings every other week.”
The purpose of these meetings is to discuss upcoming events. Student Chaplains are also very involved in planning Chapel, devotional study groups and campus ministries events. One campus ministry event that takes place each week is morning prayers shared by Wilson who welcomes anyone who wishes to join.
“I take some time to write out whatever is actively going on or has already happened within the past week, then those prayers occur every Monday at 8:50 in the Mantz Library Lounge,” Wilson said. “ Our goal for student events, in general, is to highlight and introduce students to campus ministries and how they can get involved on campus. An event such as the breakfast night was an opportunity for students to interact and meet the student Chaplains on campus and feel more comfortable with their presence.”
Wilson enjoys being able to establish and participate in faith-based activities on campus. Newman is excited by the opportunities that come with being a student Chaplain.
“I love being more involved in the ministry part of campus. I have found that I love helping people in any way I can, and this gives me the opportunity to reach more people,” Newman said.