SGA Report | Two issues tabled, funding for senior mural project approved
The meeting was one of the SGA's highest-attended sessions.
A housing policy resolution and a bill for the Little Free Library was tabled, a bill to provide additional funding for student tickets for “Tick, Tick… Boom!” was passed, and a bill to provide funds to pay the senior artist who will complete the senior mural was passed as well at Sunday’s SGA meeting.
First on the docket and the topic many Bethel students have on their mind was a new housing policy resolution. This resolution was proposed the Saturday before the meeting through a campus-wide email. Through an executive order by SGA president Taylor Dashney at the beginning of Sunday’s meeting, the resolution was tabled until it can be rewritten properly as a recommendation and approved by the senators.
SGA vice president Josh Kennell opened up the floor following this action to visitors in the audience. Concerns surrounding mental and physical health, student teaching needs, dorm cleanliness, and more were raised during this forty minute period. A new document will be written and voted on in the next meeting.
Bill 90-022 to Provide Additional Funding for Student Tickets to “Tick, Tick, Boom,” passed 8-0. The original bill that paid for these tickets provided $500. More students took tickets than expected and exceeded this amount so an additional $1,000 was taken from the special projects fund to cover this excess.
SGA tabled Bill 90-023 to Provide Funding Towards a Little Free Library until the next meeting. This will give senators time to investigate options for purchasing a kit rather than building their own little library.
To conclude, the SGA voted to amend Bill 90-024 to Provide Funds for the Senior Mural Project from $275 to $300. These funds, drawn from the special projects fund, will pay for a senior artist to paint a mural honoring the graduating class of 2023. The actual bill passed 8-0.
The next SGA meeting will take place at 7 p.m. on April 16 in the Will Academic Center, room 203.