SGA Report | Recommendation on residency financial changes passed, tabled bills revisited
The long-anticipated recommendation passed unanimously.
The Bethel Student Government Association (SGA) returned after Easter to review a revised recommendation that was proposed as a resolution at its meeting on April 2 and revisit tabled bills.
The group began in executive session for an ISR request. This request passed and the group moved to review the SGA’s first recommendation of the year, written to oppose the new housing policy that was introduced by the school earlier this semester.
This recommendation opposes the student commuter policy, effective for the upcoming fall semester, which will reduce the scholarships of students who live off campus by 25%. This recommendation also opposes the single-room policy, which dictates that all students living in a room by themselves — regardless of Medical and Emotion Support Accommodations — pay the single-room rate charge (which has increased).
While the document opposes these policies, it also provides suggestions for improvement within the policy, taking into consideration the concerns expressed by students at the previous meeting and throughout the semester.
The group suggests that all current students be exempt from the 25% decrease in scholarships and that students with a Medical and Emotional Support Accommodation requiring a single room would pay a “single room rate” instead of double the rate as would be paid by “double room” occupants. For students with Medical and Emotional Support Accommodations requiring a single room and financial need, the “double room rate” should apply.
Senate members read through this recommendation and made minor edits concerning grammar and wording before they voted on it — and passed it unanimously, 10-0 — and prepped it to be sent to Bethel’s administration. From there, it will be out of the SGA’s hands and up to the administration whether anything happens.
The senate also received an update on the proposed commuter lounge which will take up residence in the administration building along with a new SGA office space. Currently, the room selected to be the commuter lounge needs considerable maintenance and updating. This will be paid for by the Student Life office. The SGA will be responsible for picking out furnishings for this space.
The meeting ended with some old business. Senator (and Vice President-elect) Matthew Fleck updated the group on the library iPad program while Senator (and President-elect) Hayden Wallace updated the group on the Little Free Library box, which has been or will very soon be ordered.
The next SGA meeting will take place on April 30 at 7 p.m. in the Will Academic Center, room 203.