SGA Report | Final fall plans discussed ahead of Thanksgiving break
Two bills were passed and one was tabled on Sunday night.
Sunday was the second-to-last Student Government Association meeting of the school year. Last meeting, the SGA took a look at an ISR request and a bill to fund the Red Flag Campaign Project. And as the semester draws to a close, the SGA must use up all of its funds in preparation for the next semester.
This meeting was mostly about what would need to make this happen in the last three weeks of the 2022 fall semester.
First on the docket was an ISR request. SGA broke into executive session to address this for the privacy of the student requesting funds.
Returning from executive session, sophomore senator Hayden Wallace introduced Bill 90-012: to Allocate Funds for a Little Free Library. This bill provides funds for a small box library where students and community members can exchange, borrow, and donate books free of charge. This mini library wouldn’t require a library card and runs on an honor system. North Newton has a few of these designated around town, one fairly close by on Goerz Avenue, but not one on the Bethel campus.
The bill passed unanimously. Senator Wallace intends to build this mini library himself using the designated funds to reduce the cost.
Next, Vice President Josh Kennel introduced Bill 90-013: to Help Fund ‘Lighting of the Plaza’ on behalf of Vice President for Enrollment Management Heidi Hoskinson. It was discussed and passed 7-2 with some in opposition. This bill allocates the remainder of the SGA’s semester budget (excluding what is needed for the Little Free Library project) to the Lighting of the Plaza event happening Nov. 28.
The last bill, 90-014: to Allocate Funds To the Addition of a Fifth Talkaphone Tower, was tabled for further discussion. This bill would provide funds to set up the campus's fifth Talkaphone tower. Discussion was tabled so that a location for the tower can be settled before the next meeting as well as some details concerning the current towers clarified. The SGA will also decide how much money will be dedicated to this project since it will come from next semester’s budget. This bill will be reintroduced at the SGA’s next meeting.
In closing, the committees reported their movements since the last meeting. The Academic Affairs committee reported progress on the iPad project which will help students have better access to textbooks and other resources. The Student Engagement committee reported that the Red Flag Project week is coming together nicely, but there are still a few things left to be done. The Student Life committee expressed interest in campus safety concerns that were brought up during the discussion of the Talkaphone Tower project.
The next SGA meeting will be on Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. in WAC 203.