SGA Conference and Winter Coat Bill
Bethel SGA takes new findings and implements them on campus
SGA President Matthew Fleck, Vice President Taryn Paulino, and Treasurer Gavin Rogers attended the Kansas Student Government Conference at Fort Hays State University with other college government associations from a wide range of schools on the weekend of January 25. The schools ranged from large Division One schools to junior colleges. When asked what the overarching purpose was, Fleck, a senior from Cherokee, Okla. said, “The purpose of the SGA conference was to be able to collaborate with other SGAs around the state and region as well as to learn about how to effectively lead student bodies in our respective role in SGA.”
This conference contained four distinct breakout sessions that were divided by positions. These positions include presidents, vice presidents, treasurers, legislative affairs, community outreach, and advisors. After the initial breakouts, there were additional breakout sessions in leading change, government relations, shared governance, and addressing student needs.
From these breakout sessions, Bethel’s SGA has come back with a new perspective. Fleck said, “There are a ton of things that I learned and I know I can speak for Gavin and Taryn when I say that there are a lot of things that can be brought back to Bethel.” He also added, “We were able to talk with other SGAs on better ways to be more intentional about how we do things and potential project ideas that can better the student body’s experience. Being in a shared space with schools that range from 250 students to 28,000 students gives everyone in attendance multiple perspectives that can be used to help solve issues that come about.”
When it comes to what the SGA applied these learnings to, we can look at a bill recently passed by Fleck and Paulino. A new Winter Clothing Drive aims to assist students in need of a winter coat. With the cold weather this time of year, students need warm, heavy clothing. For those who do not already have a winter coat, SGA hopes to be of assistance. SGA has passed a bill to start a clothing drive to be able to give out warm winter clothing to students. If you are a student and in need of winter clothing, go to your email and fill out the form sent by the SGA, or talk to Paulino or Fleck.