Jesse Allen set to speak at FCA's first meeting this schoolyear
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Bethel plan on starting the semester strong with their first meeting
FCA is up and running on Bethel’s campus with the first meeting being February 2nd in Mem Hall at 6:30.
There will be dodgeball, snacks, and guest speaker Jesse Allen. Jesse Allen is a local pastor and author who leads a ministry called Kingdom Equip and has much experience with college students.
Jesse Allen graduated from Tabor College in 2016 and shortly after graduating, served on a mission trip to Thailand with his wife. He now lives in Hillsboro with his wife and two daughters and is the author of Loving the Lord’s Anointed and co-author of The Supremacy of Christ.

Students may also count one FCA event a semester for convo credit so be sure to bring your student ID to every event. FCA plans to hold an event twice a month so be sure to mark your calendars.
FCA or Fellowship of Student Athletes is a Christian sports ministry organization started in 1954. Its purpose is to bring people together by using friendly competition and games.
FCA’s mission according to their website is to “[serve] local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel.”
While FCA is sport-based, it is not only for athletes. They use a strategy called E3 that targets any and everyone whether you are an athlete or not. The three E’s are Engage, Equip, and Empower which is the core strategy of FCA and can be applied outside of sports.
With this being said Bethel College also offers numerous other groups to be involved with. By adding FCA we hope to grow Bethel's options for students to choose where they feel the most comfortable and we encourage students to try them out.
Join the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Memorial Hall at 6:30 on the 2nd as they kick off this spring semester.